4 Types of hair loss in men

Androgenetic hair loss is quite common in men who are in their 20s or 30s and while the reasons remain the same, the age at which a man starts to lose hair and the rate of hair loss can vary. That’s because there are three main factors that determine how much strands they lose, namely their family history or genes, their age and their hormones.

Whatever the reason may be, there are four types of hair loss that are common in men:

Rapid Hair Loss

This type of hair loss is typically caused by trauma or a sudden shock to the system, which in turn can cause telogen effluvium. This condition puts a stop to hair growth and also causes the existing ones to shed in large quantities at once. However, the hairline will fill with more strands once again if the individual suffering from hair loss actively heals his mind and body with therapy and/or exercise.

Gradual Hair Loss

This type of hair loss is characterized by a steady shedding, which can continue for a couple of months and comes about if the hair follicles are devoid of a steady supply of nutrients. In other words, the more nutritious your diet, the more strands you will retain. Eating a lot of green veggies such as broccoli and spinach as well as multivitamins can be used to treat this type of male pattern baldness.

Dollar Size Bald Spots

When small and round bald spots start to appear on the scalp, it’s indicative of alopecia areata, a condition in which the part of the scalp that is sensitive to androgens starts shedding hair. The main reasons are stress and genes. If left untreated, it can lead to more hair loss and make the scalp look patchy and unkempt.

Scaly Patches

Scaly patches on the scalp are indicative of a fungal infection called tinea capitis, which the body tries to combat by releasing a veritable army of white blood cells. Unfortunately, those cells do more harm than good to hair follicles which start to shed more hair.